The Postgraduate program in public health was established in 1982. This program aims to equip graduates with leadership capacity, to develop new concepts and theories through research and to implement public health principles in advocacy and health policy at the national and international levels. To cater the large population of Indonesia and wide geographic area of the country, the program offers different learning strategies. There are programs for those who are able to study on a full-time basis and part-time basis, as well as Information Technology (IT)-supported program for those who work in remote areas coupled with limited human resources available to replace the positions of those taking study leaves. The duration of study varies, i.e. 18 months and 24 months of study. After fulfillment of all requirements, students are awarded MPH degree (Master in Public Health).
Amongst the graduate programs, the Master program in Public Health is the largest in terms of programs offered and number of students enrolled. Every year, more than 250 master students are accepted. A total of nine professors, twelve lecturers with doctoral degree, and 32 teaching assistants are available to support the education process in the master program, as well as many external expert as consultants. Currently, the program offers majoring in two clusters, namely Advance Public Health and Health Policy and Management.
Advance Public Health cluster:
- Field Epidemiology Training Program
- Health Promotion and Behaviour
- Maternal and Child Health
- Nutrition
- Occupational Health
- Environmental health
Health Policy and Management cluster:
- Health Policy and Management
- Hospital management
- Health financing and insurance
- Health Information System
In addition, we also offer an International Master Program in International Health and Implementation Research on Tropical Diseases. The International Master of Public Health in Implementation Research on Tropical Diseases is the newest Master scheme in collaboration with the Master on Tropical Diseases study program, supported by the WHO Special Program on Tropical Diseases Research (TDR). This program has started in 2015 with 16 students from 11 countries. A number of scholarship will be offered for students from low-middle income countries in the Asia and Pacific Region until 2019.
Overall, the Master program in Public Health has received national and international recognition. The master program in Public Health has received an ‘A’ accreditation from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and an international accreditation from the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) in 2014 for the majoring in Health Informatics and Management.Several courses have also been accredited by TropEd, a network for education in international health.
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Master program in tropical medicine was established in 1994 in respond to challenges of tropical diseases as well as to conduct basic and applied studies on endemic diseases in local settings and worldwide. Previously this master program stands as a concentration under the Master Program in Public Health before it becomes an independent Master program in 1997.
Currently, the program offers three concentrations:Infectious Disease Control, Immunology and Molecular Biology of Tropical Diseases, and Clinical Entomology. Each year about 20 students are admitted. Partnering with the master of public health program, a new public health master scheme in Implementation Research on Tropical Diseases has been offered since 2015. The master program involves 24 Professors, 22 PhDs, 13 Clinical Specialists, and 11 Masters. The program has established strong international collaborations for academic and research with the following partners: The Kirby Institute, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), WHO (HIV-TB), Educational Networking-LINQED, The University of New South Wales-Australia, The Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, ITM, Antwerp, Belgium, NIDIAG (a European Commission program for better diagnosis of neglected infectious diseases) and Strategic Network on Neglected Diseases and Zoonoses, and WHO TDR. At the national level, a long term collaboration with the Agency for Research and Development of Disease’s Vector and Reservoir in Salatiga and Sulianti Sarosa Infectious Disease Hospital in Jakarta has been established.
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The Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada started a Master Program in Medical and Health Profession Education in 2006 to increase the quality of medical and health education by increasing the medical and health educators competencies and professionalism, as well as the number of researcher and innovator in medical education.
This master program has access to experienced teachers and tutors, which consist of five Professors, ten PhDs, and 25 Masters, from various field of study, i.e. medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, public health, and education. Our teachers also hold senior roles, such as senior consultant and medical education leaders in our teaching hospitals. This is a valuable opportunity for students to learn from physicians who are leading by example and bringing the taught components of the programme to life. Up to 2015 a total of 149 students have been accepted in the program.
The master program has been accreditated by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Voice of the program is also being heard on an international level through Titi Savitri Prihatiningsih, MD, MA, M.Med.Ed, Ph.D, whom has been appointed to be one of the Executive Committee at South East Regional Association of Medical Education (SEARAME) for 2007-2016. SEARAME is a WHO body which focuses on medical education. Collaborations with other institutions at national and international level are also managed. Currently, it has collaborations with FAIMER Institue Philadephia, USA; LINQED (a network for quality in international health postgraduate training); World Federation for Medical Education (WFME); South East Regional Association of Medical Education (SEARAME); and the Department of Human Resource for Health Development at the Ministry of Health.
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Established in 1997, the program offers master degree in various major of interests, including clinical epidemiology, maternal and perinatal medicine, and family medicine. In addition, since 2004, the program has also offered a unique combined master-specialty program. Under this scheme, students receive both a master degree and a medical specialist title after completing the program. The curriculum consists of general basic lectures, which are mandatory for all students, and major-specific lectures, which are designed specifically for each major and only taken by the students in each major. The students must conduct research and write a thesis to complete the program. At the end of the course, the students are awarded a Master of Science (M.Sc) degree. The program has been accredited “A” by LAM-PTKes, a national accreditation body for health profession higher education institutions. In 2015, a total of 173 students were enrolled in the program. The students mostly consist of those with medical doctor’s background, in addition to dentistry, midwifery and nursery backgrounds.
During the last three years, approximately 155 research activities have been supported by various grants and 250 scientific publications in peerreviewed journals, including 106 international and 144 national publications. The international publications tend to increase in recent years. There were 8 international research-scientific presentation awards and 13 national awards received by the students within the last three years. There were also many achievements at both national and international level received by the lecturers, including some patents.
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Started in 1980, Master Program in Basic Medical and Biomedical Science is determined to be a master program applying an international standard. Several majorings are offered: Anatomy, Medical Anthropology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Science, Pharmacology, Histology and Cell Biology, Physiology, Parasitology, and Molecular Medicine. A total of 43 students were admitted in 2015, taught by eight Professors, 43 Doctors, two Masters and three academic staff. Upon completion, the graduates will be awarded Master of Science (MSc).
The program aims to produce graduates who are:
- competent in applying basic medical and biomedical science in order to help solving individual or public health problems using scientific principles
- competent in academic skills and thus able to develop knowledge and eager to pursue higher academic degree at the doctoral level
- recognized at national and international level.
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Started in 2011, this master program aims at producing ethical, humane and high quality graduates who master scientific theoretical approach, have curiousity, spirit to learn and managerial ability to contribute to development of nursing science, research and service independently or by collaborating with other professions as well as graduates who are able to demonstrate the uniqueness of nursing profession. Such objectives are achieved through conducive learning method and atmosphere, and supported by collaboration with domestic and foreign institutions. The master program has the vision to be a leading education center in the field of master in nursing through continuous innovation in creating life-long learning environment in order to develop science and technology, leadership and excellent nursing service that contributes to comprehensive problem solving at national,regional and international level in the next 10 year period. The mission is to produce graduates of master in nursing through the implementation of a quality higher education in nursing, research and community service and always improve towards achieving international standard with democratic, national and international perspectives. Currently, the master program offers two majorings: pediatric and maternity nursing.
Doctoral Program is the highest level of a formal education in higher education institution and it has started since 2007. Applying a research-based doctoral program equivalent to a PhD degree, the program is well-structured and monitored to enable the participants to complete the degree within five years on average. The program is nurtured by distinguished Professors and lecturers with national and international reputations in teaching and research. It is also supported by competent administrative staff and convenient educational facilities.
The goal of the doctoral program is to prepare the next generation of leading health researchers, high quality university lecturers, and policy makers. The cornerstone of the doctoral experience at the Faculty of Medicine is the research apprenticeship that all students undertake, typically under the guidance of their academic advisor but often with other expert as well.
The doctoral program offers five programs: Doctoral program in Basic Medical Science, Public Health, Clinical Medicine, Medical Education and Nursing. To further stimulate research interests, the doctoral program develops a total of 39 research clusters, which are highly focused areas of research and reflecting specific specialties. A research cluster is led by recognized scientist leaders in the field and can be affiliated with various departments, study programs and research centers under the Faculty. PhD candidates are able to select a research cluster/s according to their research interests. The academic staff of the Doctoral program consists of 29 Professors and 53 Doctoral.
Doctoral program participants are required to have master qualifications or medical specialist qualifications. In 2015, more than 200 doctoral students are actively engaged in the program and a total of 219 Doctoral degrees has been awarded. A pre-doctoral program is provided to introduce the academic system in the doctoral program to prospective students, to introduce a range of research clusters and to assist prospective students in developing a research proposal to be submitted in the application.
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